Alison Gordon | Founder and former CEO, 48North


Alison Gordon was known as one of the only women CEOs leading a publicly-traded cannabis company until she left her position at 48North to the surprise of many last March; with the announcement of her departure made through a company press release.

In this interview, Alison and The Brand is Female’s host Eva Hartling talked about the reality of the still very prevalent glass ceiling in today’s corporate world, the achievements and headway Alison was able to make in the male-dominated cannabis industry, and they discussed the changes that are needed in order for women executives to have true equity when it comes to leadership and power in today’s business community.

This season of The Brand is Female is brought to you by TD Bank - Women Entrepreneurs. TD is proud to support women entrepreneurs and help them achieve success and growth through its program of educational workshops, financing and mentorship opportunities! Find out how you can benefit from their support!

Eva Hartling