Nontombi Naomi Tutu and Mungi Ngomane


This episode was recorded in the midst of a racial crisis in North America. To discuss the issue, we called on two inspiring black women leaders: Nontombi Naomi Tutu, the Canon missioner for Racial and Economic equity at the Cathedral of All Souls in Asheville, North Carolina along with her daughter Mungi Ngomane, author of the book Everyday Ubuntu, and Business Operations Manager for Outvote.

Inspired by the wisdom and action of their father and grandfather, Archbishop Desmond Tutu whose work was instrumental in dismantling Apartheid in South Africa, both women have made the defense of human rights and racial justice a central element in their lives. 

The Brand is Female host Eva Hartling spoke to Naomi and Mungi about their point of view on the current situation in the US; the struggles black women continue to face in North America; what allyship looks like in the current context and what changes still need to take place as the fight against racism and racial injustice continues in today’s America.

This season of The Brand is Female is brought to you by TD Bank - Women Entrepreneurs. TD is proud to support women entrepreneurs and help them achieve success and growth through its program of educational workshops, financing and mentorship opportunities! Find out how you can benefit from their support!

Eva Hartling