Chantal Carter | Founder, Love & Nudes | Disrupting the lingerie industry


Chantal Carter has revolutionized the underwear industry by introducing nude undergarments that actually match everyone’s skin tone, including BIWOC’s. In an industry that is known for being traditional and having few disruptors, Chantal and her brand, Love & Nudes, are true trailblazers.

In this episode, we speak with Chantal about the inspiration behind Love & Nudes, how the fashion industry still has a long way to go to reflect real diversity, and her journey as a Black female founder.

This season of The Brand is Female is brought to you by TD Bank - Women Entrepreneurs. TD is proud to support women entrepreneurs and help them achieve success and growth through its program of educational workshops, financing and mentorship opportunities! Find out how you can benefit from their support!

Eva Hartling