Stephany Lapierre | CEO and Founder, Tealbook | Trusting your Instinct as a Business Leader


This week, host Eva Hartling is joined by Stephany Lapierre, Founder and CEO of Canadian tech company Tealbook, which offers an innovative B2B platform for procurement and supplier intelligence management that leverages machine learning and AI. Tealbook has experienced rapid growth and caught the attention of investors early on, in addition to having become a favourite among Fortune 500 companies.

Stephany has won several awards for her innovative approach and has received recognition as a successful female tech entrepreneur. In this enlightening conversation, Stephany shares her vision for success — a combination of finding the right talent to bring on her team so she is not a ‘lone ranger’ trying to do it all, and the right champions who can offer support at different stages of growth in addition to advising her for her own personal development as an entrepreneur.

This season of The Brand is Female is brought to you by TD Bank - Women Entrepreneurs. TD is proud to support women entrepreneurs and help them achieve success and growth through its program of educational workshops, financing and mentorship opportunities! Find out how you can benefit from their support!

Eva Hartling