Amel Karboul | CEO, Education Outcomes Fund, Politician & Entrepreneur | The changemaker


H.E. Dr. Amel Karboul is an author, politician, business leader and overall changemaker, who today serves as CEO of The Education Outcomes Fund, a UNICEF hosted trust fund that supports governments to help improve the education and skills of children and youth across the world.

She was the first woman in history to occupy Tunisia’s Minister of Tourism position and co-led the country’s transition after the Arab Spring, leading to Tunisia obtaining the Nobel Peace prize in 2015. Prior to becoming a politician, Amel held a number of leadership positions in the corporate, political and not-for-profit sectors for over 25 years including The Maghreb Economic Forum, Mercedes-Benz, DaimlerChrysler and the Boston Consulting Group.  She recently published the 2nd edition of her book, Coffin Corner, outlining a new leadership culture in line with dynamics of the 21st century. 

In this episode, Amel speaks to host Eva Hartling about her impressive professional journey; she covers the tough lessons she learned along the way, including the harsh reality of being an agent of change and the obstacles women face when reaching any levels of power or success. 

This season of The Brand is Female is brought to you by TD Bank - Women Entrepreneurs. TD is proud to support women entrepreneurs and help them achieve success and growth through its program of educational workshops, financing and mentorship opportunities! Find out how you can benefit from their support!

Eva Hartling