Tiffany Callender | CEO, The Federation of African Canadian Economics | Supporting Black Female Founders


This week, on the podcast, host Eva Hartling speaks with Tiffany Callender, the CEO of FACE, a national Black-led non-profit organization focused on providing resources and information to the Black community across Canada with the aim of accelerating wealth creation for Canadians of African descent.

In partnership with the Canadian Government, FACE created a Black Entrepreneurship Loan Fund to help Black business owners with access to capital investments, working capital, or additional business resources for expansion, including a focus on supporting Black female founders.

Tiffany Callender has spent her 16 year career developing and implementing programs to support Montreal’s Black community; as well, she has presented recommendations for policy change to public institutions, including as a signatory for Montreal’s consultation on racism and systemic discrimination; and Quebec’s commission on the overrepresentation of Black children in the Youth Protection. She regularly presents sensitivity and equity training to private institutions.


This season of our podcast is brought to you by @td_canada Women in Enterprise. TD is proud to support women entrepreneurs and help them achieve success and growth through its program of educational workshops, financing and mentorship opportunities! Find out how you can benefit from their support! Visit: TBIF: // TD Women in Enterprise: // Follow us on Instagram:

Eva Hartling