Ashley Mielke | Registered Psychologist and Founder and CEO, The Grief and Trauma Healing Centre | Finding Purpose Through Healing


This week, on the podcast, host Eva Hartling speaks with Ashley Mielke, Registered Psychologist and Founder and CEO of The Grief and Trauma Healing Centre in Alberta. Ashley founded her company at the age of 26, after the tragic death of her father by suicide. It was the purpose she found through her healing that inspired the ‘WHY’ behind The Grief and Trauma Healing Centre, which is on a mission to steward grieving people on the pathway to healing. Ashley and the Centre’s hope for the world is that every single human being will have the tools to deal with loss and no one will ever grieve alone again. Ashley was named one of Edify’s Top 40 Under 40 in 2021 for her contributions to the field of psychology. Today, Ashley is also a business consultant, philanthropist, second-year Doctor of Psychology student at California Southern University, a wife, mother, and a passionate hockey player and coach. I hope you will enjoy this conversation about letting purpose lead business.


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Eva Hartling