From restaurant owner to online golf and empowerment expert, with Kerry Maher


In March 2020, Halifax-based Kerry Maher's world turned upside down with the closure of her restaurant. Facing uncertainty, she was inspired by her mother's question, "Now what?" Opting for action, Kerry reached out on Facebook Live, unsure if anyone would join her for a workout. Leveraging her background as a Golf Pro and Fitness Instructor, Kerry’s leap of faith sparked an incredible journey.

From her living room to her garage, Kerry has built a daily ritual where more than 200 women gather to share in gratitude and exercise. It's a narrative not just about staying fit, but about forging connections in times of isolation and transforming adversity into an opportunity for community and personal growth.

In this episode, we delve into Kerry's remarkable shift from restaurant owner to a source of hope and health for a nationwide community.

This season of our podcast is brought to you by TD Canada Women in Enterprise. TD is proud to support women entrepreneurs and help them achieve success and growth through its program of educational workshops, financing and mentorship opportunities! Find out how you can benefit from their support! Visit: TBIF: // TD Women in Enterprise: // Follow us on Instagram:

Eva Hartling